メンバー紹介 - Minami Yoda, Shigeo Nakamura, Yuichi Sei, Yutaka Matsuno, Yasuyuki Tahara and Akihiko Ohsuga: “YODA: Middleware for Improving Setup and Preprocessing in Static Analysis of IoT Firmware,” 18th International Conference on E-Service and Knowledge Management (ESKM) in 16th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI), pp.1-8 (2024.7)

Minami Yoda, Shigeo Nakamura, Yuichi Sei, Yutaka Matsuno, Yasuyuki Tahara and Akihiko Ohsuga: “YODA: Middleware for Improving Setup and Preprocessing in Static Analysis of IoT Firmware,” 18th International Conference on E-Service and Knowledge Management (ESKM) in 16th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI), pp.1-8 (2024.7)