メンバー紹介 - Shin,I., Kawamura,T., Nakagawa,H., Nakayama,K., Tahara,Y., and Ohsuga,A.: ONTOMO: Web-based Ontology Building System -Instance Recommendation Using Bootstrapping-, in Proc. of the 25th ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC2010), Western, Switzerland (2010.3), pp.1442-1443.
Shin,I., Kawamura,T., Nakagawa,H., Nakayama,K., Tahara,Y., and Ohsuga,A.: ONTOMO: Web-based Ontology Building System -Instance Recommendation Using Bootstrapping-, in Proc. of the 25th ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC2010), Western, Switzerland (2010.3), pp.1442-1443.